100 Days of Happiness Project


A friend of mine send me the link to this the other day and it was perfect timing. I was finding myself getting dragged into work stress, family stress, business stress and just about all other types of stress going. I wasn’t exercising and was focussing on the negative.

The Project is a great way to bring your focus back to the positive and remember the small things that add to your happiness levels. It’s also a fast way to work the time into your schedule to be grateful for what you have – all you need to do is tag or send a photo of something that makes you happy for 100 days. Simple!

Share your photos via Facebook, Twitter, instagram using the hastag #100happydays. Or if you would prefer to keep things more private by sending pictures to the project email address – myhappyday(at)100happydays.com

Enjoy your 100 Happy Days and extend it forever! I would love to hear about how your are participating!



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